Instagram's UI with React JS: A Deep Dive into Its Features and Benefits

react js in instagram

Importance of React JS in Instagram’s development:

Instagram is known for its highly interactive and responsive user interface. To achieve this level of performance, Instagram leverages React JS. React JS enables Instagram’s development team to create reusable UI components, manage the application state, and optimize the overall performance of the application. Additionally, React JS helps Instagram to maintain a consistent look and feel across the web and mobile platforms, making it easier for users to navigate and interact with the application.

Here’s an explanation of each feature used in Instagram’s implementation of React JS:

A. Virtual DOM:

React JS uses a virtual DOM, which is an in-memory representation of the actual DOM. When a user interacts with the UI, React updates the virtual DOM instead of the actual DOM and then calculates the most efficient way to update the actual DOM. This allows React to efficiently update the UI by only rendering the components that have changed, rather than re-rendering the entire page. This results in faster rendering times and improved performance.

B. Component-based architecture:

React JS uses a component-based architecture, where the UI is broken down into small, reusable components. These components can be thought of as Lego blocks that can be assembled in different ways to create the desired UI. This makes it easier to manage and update the UI, as changes made to one component won’t affect the others. Additionally, components can be reused across different pages or applications, which can save development time.


JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows developers to write HTML-like code within JavaScript. This makes it easier to write and manage UI code in React JS. Instead of having to write HTML and JavaScript separately, developers can write both in the same file, which can improve code readability and maintainability. JSX also allows developers to write JavaScript expressions within the HTML-like code, which gives them more flexibility and power.
D. React Native: Instagram also uses React Native, which is a framework that allows developers to build native mobile apps using React JS. This allows Instagram to share code between its web and mobile apps, making development more efficient. By using the same codebase, Instagram can ensure consistency across its different platforms and reduce development time and costs. Additionally, React Native provides access to native device features, such as camera and location, which can enhance the user experience.

Instagram’s Use of React JS:

A. Instagram’s web application:

Instagram’s web application heavily relies on React JS for its user interface. React JS allows Instagram to efficiently render and update its interface while providing a seamless user experience. Instagram’s web application uses a component-based architecture to break down the UI into small, reusable components. This makes it easier to manage and update the UI as changes made to one component won’t affect the others.

B. Instagram’s mobile application:

Instagram’s mobile application also heavily relies on React JS, specifically React Native. React Native allows Instagram to build native mobile apps for both iOS and Android using the same codebase, which makes development more efficient. Additionally, React Native allows Instagram to share code between its web and mobile apps, making it easier to manage and update both applications.

C. Instagram’s website redesign:

In 2019, Instagram underwent a major website redesign that incorporated React JS. The redesign was aimed at providing a better user experience and a more consistent design across all platforms. React JS was used to implement the new design elements and to improve the overall performance of the website.
Overall, React JS has played a crucial role in Instagram’s development, allowing the company to build efficient, high-performance applications across web and mobile platforms while maintaining a seamless user experience.

The benefits of React JS for Instagram are:

A. Improved performance and speed:

React JS allows Instagram to efficiently render the UI by only updating the components that have changed, resulting in faster load times and improved overall performance.

B. Code reusability:

The component-based architecture of React JS makes it easier to reuse code, which saves time and effort in the development process. This is particularly useful for Instagram, as it has both a web and mobile application, which can share code using React Native.

C. Flexibility in design:

React JS provides greater flexibility in design, as developers can easily create and customize UI components to fit Instagram’s branding and design needs.

D. Community support and resources:

React JS has a large and active community, providing Instagram with access to a wealth of resources, including libraries, tools, and frameworks. This allows Instagram to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in React JS and leverage community knowledge and experience.
The benefits of React JS for Instagram are:

A. Improved performance and speed:

React JS allows Instagram to efficiently render the UI by only updating the components that have changed, resulting in faster load times and improved overall performance.

B. Code reusability:

The component-based architecture of React JS makes it easier to reuse code, which saves time and effort in the development process. This is particularly useful for Instagram, as it has both a web and mobile application, which can share code using React Native.
C. Flexibility in design:

React JS provides greater flexibility in design, as developers can easily create and customize UI components to fit Instagram’s branding and design needs.

D. Community support and resources:

React JS has a large and active community, providing Instagram with access to a wealth of resources, including libraries, tools, and frameworks. This allows Instagram to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in React JS and leverage community knowledge and experience.


React JS has played a significant role in the development and growth of Instagram. Its use of virtual DOM, component-based architecture, JSX, and React Native has enabled Instagram to build fast, efficient, and reusable code for both its web and mobile applications. The benefits of React JS for Instagram are numerous, including improved performance and speed, code reusability, flexibility in design, and a supportive community of developers. As Instagram continues to evolve and expand, it’s clear that React JS will remain an important tool for its development team.

Author's Bio

Pranup Gurram

Pranup G

Forward-thinking, multidisciplinary executive and business leader with 15+ years of experience spearheading operational and cultural transformations, maximizing bottom-line savings, and driving profitability.

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Instagram’s UI with React JS


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